Sunday, April 02, 2006


j: Knock knock.
N: Who's there?
j: Cows say.
N: Cows say who?
j: No, cows say moo.
j: laughs

H: Mom, what's a vision?
N: Stumbles through various definitions of the word "vision" (sight, having a plan and being able to see how to get that plan done, vague discourse on spirituality) and wonders, again, who made me the OED?
H: So what is laser vision?
N: I don't know.

j: Knock knock.
J: Who's there?
j: Cows say.
J: Cows say who?
j: No, cows say moo.
j: laughs

H, showing me a picture she drew: This is Tarzan. And that's his loincloth.
H: I don't know where gorillas would get a loincloth. Maybe it's the diaper he was wearing when they found him.

j: Knock knock.
N: Who's there?
j: Cows say.
N: Cows say who?
j: No, cows say moo.
j: laughs

H, showing me a picture she drew of a dragon, fire coming out of his mouth, and a frightened knight. The knight has a speech bubble above his head: Do you like my picture?
N: Yeah, it's very nice. What is the knight saying?
H: Can't you read it?
N: Well, yes, it says "Ha Ha", but the knight looks like he's afraid of the dragon.
H, disdainfuly: It says "aaaaahhhhahhhhh". Dad is better at reading than you are.

j: Knock knock.
N: Who's there?
j: Cows say.
N: Cows say who?
j: No, cows say moo.
j: laughs

Jonah was telling that "joke" in his sleep a few nights ago. If I hear it one more time, I think I'm going to cry.

1 comment:

heels said...

Knock Knock...

Just Kidding.

I'm very glad to have you back writing!