Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day: Out-takes

Well, that was sweet wasn't it? Short on Hallmark sentiment--which, for the record: gack--and very, very sweet. I sure do love these guys. (One of Hannah's classmates told me today that she had gotten her mother "the sweetest thing" for Mother's Day and I asked her what it was and she said: "Cereal bowls!". When I told the mother about this later on, she laughed and rolled her eyes and said that apparently Target was the only store open late Saturday night. As far as sweetest things go, I'd say I win.)

When John mentioned at the dinner table that they were working on this interview, I asked what kinds of questions he was asking.
N: Do I do a good job of keeping up with the laundry?
H: Laundry?
N: Do you always have plenty of clean clothes in your dresser?
H: Almost always.

I've been wanting to get a little digital recorder thing-y so that I can record some of our dinnertime conversations. It's priceless stuff.

I loved how Hannah said that I never cuddle her because the truth is that she rarely lets me cuddle her. She's never been very affectionate in any physical kind of way. Never.
Here's a recent exchange. I'm driving her home from school and she's been telling me about the awful day she had and how some of her best friends were being very mean to her and it was rather heart wrenching.
N: Hannah, that sounds awful. Would you like to snuggle with me on the couch when we get home?
H [flabbergasted, looks at me like I've lost my mind, says very soundly]: No.

We did have a very nice Mother's Day. The Blue Lake Grange was holding their monthly breakfast and we went to that and then for a nice walk along the river. Hannah was very proud of the card she made me at school. She'd been making a big show of keeping its existence a secret and I had fun playing along--she didn't know that her teacher had had me sort the cards into each child's cubby.

While Jonah was napping and John was grading papers, Hannah, uh, convinced me to wash my car with her: "I know! We should wash your car: it's Mother's Day!" It's all sparkly now. And when she brought out the rags to dry it with, she gave me the bigger one "because it's Mother's Day!"

Most of the day was just like that. We did what we usually do on a nice Sunday in spring: we spent time together, we picked up around the house, we read the newspapers, I cooked dinner, I did a couple of loads of laundry, the kids played outside, John got stuff done that needs to be done. But, if my children are to be believed, it was all much more exciting and special because it was Mother's Day. Works for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

god, why do i always do that?? -and by "that" i mean "check this blog, close window, realize i had something to say then, with an eye-roll, log back in."

well maybe not "log back in," but i can't think of the right term.

"can't" isn't quite right, either, it's mainly that i'm lazy.

anyway i wanted to give you a heads up, i sent you-lurvely-all a little thing in the mail. should be there in a day or two? is nothing much but made me laugh and laugh.
